Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Just relaxing...

Some days I feel like this...just enjoy laying down. No worries in the world.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Yes...Another Givenchy handbag

You know..I have this "thing" for perforated items..I have a pair of BCBG perforated leather boots that stop people in their tracks so they can compliment them. My Sara Berman handbag is perforated all over with a gold it! Now, I don't necessarily need another perforated handbag, however..this one is niiiicccceee. It so stylish!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pizza, pizza, pizza!!!!

 I remember the first time I went to New York (many moons ago) I had the best slice of pizza I have ever had in my life. Since, I have tried to find that place here in CA that could make my stomach fall in love as it did that summer. I have yet to find that place, however I have found many places locally that I am in serious like with ;). Yummy.
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